Bring your friends in and PICK some extra bonus UP.

How it works

Choose a vacancy Select a vacancy that you want to send to your friend or out to the world.
Refer, share Share the selected vacancy via social networks or send it via e-mail.
Connection Thanks to a unique link we won’t miss any information and you won’t miss a reward either.
Follow your candidate You can check how is your friend doing while you enjoy your morning coffee.
Get your reward If candidate meets our conditions we will pay you the promised reward. Your first part (25%) will get after start of the cooperation and the rest (75%) will be paid only if the average hours in 6 months of cooperation will be more than 80 hours monthly.

Refer a vacancy Refer a new colleague and earn a reward of up to 2 000 €!


Not sure who you should refer?

Never mind! Refer our company to your friends and they will choose the best vacancy.

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